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  • Writer's pictureOscar Melchor

Watch out for the females Cicada killer wasps they will really sting you without compassion they only carrying significant stingers which they plunge into cicadas to inject venom that paralyzes them, unlike male killer wasps. Males lack of stinger but are territorial—just try entering their area. These wasps are highly active during summer with all the intentions to dig underground burrows and paralyzing cicadas that will be good for their grub like larvae. These wasps setting of attraction are by well- drained, light textures soil in full sunlight near trees harboring cicadas. Look closely to sidewalk and or patio edges, flower beds, garden, or lawns. Watch out for your pets they can really cause true harm to your dogs and cats specially when they bite them down. From early morning to dusk, and non-stop. By building their tunnels they will disturb your plants and bed foundations. TURNING GREEN CARRIES THE SOLUTION! WE ARE HERE TO HELP!

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  • Writer's pictureOscar Melchor

Mushrooms are not necessarily a negative impact on our lawn or depending where they aere located. If they appear on your lawn they are in fact a fruiting structure of large fungi living underground and feeding of decomposed organic matter in the soil. Mushrooms are assisting with the decomposition of organic matter making soil richer. The stimulation of mushroom are rainfall, perennial underground masses and many more, they are also a good sign that soil is healthy below surface. These mushroom are actually fertilizing your lawn by breaking down wood and other dead plant materials that turn into nutrients and minerals naturally feeding living organism. To remove mushroom, you can simply pull them out or have them be distributed by your landscaper while mowing. Unlike mushrooms on trees, these mushrooms are sign of root rots, butt rot, and or other maladies. These mushroom on trees are also a sign of sickness there for call Oscar, our arborvitae, at 203663-1335 or visit us at for a free site evaluation to determine the solution or procedure for a healthy tree. Remember Healthy Soil = Healthy Plant.

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Whether they adorn homes or businesses, the condition of a lawn is often the thing that makes for a first impression. Patchiness, bare spots, browning, and weed invasion are hallmarks of a starving or struggling yard, and an unattractive one too. Grass needs nutrients to thrive, but many lawns are constantly malnourished and don’t look as good as they should.

These problems can be prevented with proper fertilizer application, good lawn maintenance, weed control, and a solid year-round lawn care plan. At Turning Green LLC, we are committed to of creating and preserving well-maintained lawns. For your lawn to look its best, all that’s needed is some watering, mowing, and fertilization to keep it healthy.

The power of nitrogen

The mineral element nitrogen plays a big part in the health of grass. It’s the primary fuel they need to stay green and healthy and without it, grass blades wilt, turn brown and eventually die. When nitrogen enters the body of a plant through its root system, internal plant processes rev up. New growth, in the form of shoots, occurs within hours of nitrogen application.

During this time of strong shoot growth, root growth slows. When fertilizer is added to your grass, growth shifts from roots to shoots, giving you a lush lawn. But it comes at the expense of strong root which may be more important during certain periods, like establishing a new lawn, preparing for periods of high stress such as the summer heat or preparing for the cold winter winds. Nitrogen also contributes to the color of grass by boosting chlorophyll production. After a fertilizer application, you’ll probably notice that the color of your grass turns a darker, more emerald green.

By offering the best in mowing and lawn fertilizing services, to tree and shrub care and outdoor pest control, count on Turning Green LLC to make the outside of your home the showplace of the neighborhood! For more information, give us a call today!

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